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Enjoy live Score of any Football match here. Download the app now and enjoy score and live match here with our app. This app will help you to get information related the football and cricket match. This app will help you to watch live cricket score and live Match and highlight here. Get all the updates about all fifa news and score as well as updates about bd Qatar live streaming and live score.The 2022 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to be the 22nd running of the FIFA World Cup competition, the quadrennial international mens football championship contested by the senior national teams of the member associations of FIFA. It is scheduled to take place in Qatar from 20 November to 18 December 2022. This will be the first World Cup ever to be held in the Arab world,[1] and the second World Cup held entirely in Asia after the 2002 tournament in South Korea and Japan.[a] In addition, the tournament is scheduled to be the last with a 32-team field; the field is slated to increase to 48 teams for the 2026 tournament in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.Contents1 Group A1.1 Ecuador1.2 Netherlands1.3 Qatar1.4 Senegal2 Group B2.1 England2.2 Iran2.3 United States2.4 Wales3 Group C3.1 Argentina3.2 Mexico3.3 Poland3.4 Saudi Arabia4 Group D4.1 Australia4.2 Denmark4.3 France4.4 Tunisia5 Group E5.1 Costa Rica5.2 Germany5.3 Japan5.4 Spain6 Group F6.1 Belgium6.2 Canada6.3 Croatia6.4 Morocco7 Group G7.1 Brazil7.2 Cameroon7.3 Serbia7.4 Switzerland8 Group H8.1 Ghana8.2 Portugal8.3 South Korea8.4 UruguayDisclaimer:This app doesn’t own the content as we provide on the app. This app collects all the data from a given trusted source. This app is only for educational purposes. It provides the content to save the users time.To give your feedback or suggestions, please write to us :[email protected]